Camera Ready Instructions for Full Papers

(You may find the instructions for the short papers at the bottom of the page)

Please read the items below carefully and follow the instructions, as they are required for the publication of your paper in the conference proceedings.

Once your final material is prepared according to the detailed instructions below, please update your submission on OpenReview by June 1st. You can do that by editing your submission using the Camera Ready option. The following fields are available for update:

PDFCamera Ready PDF
Latex file containing the latex code
Copyright Formthe PMLR copyright form

Detailed Instructions

Three different items need to be prepared for upload in OpenReview:

  1. your LaTeX code
  2. the filled and signed PMLR copyright form
  3. PDF of the camera ready version

Latex Code

Prepare your camera ready submission using the latest version of the LaTeX MIDL template (midl-fullpaper):

Please make sure your are not:

  • overriding the options of the hyperref package (loaded automatically)
  • using the times package (if that was the case, please contact the program chairs as soon as possible)
  • overriding the bibliographystyle (defined in midl.cls)

After making sure that your project compiles correctly with the standard pdflatex compiler, please include all the following items in a single zip folder LaTeX project:

  1. The main LaTex file, which should be named midl24_NNN.tex, where NNN represents the submission OpenReview ID (e.g. 312).
  2. The bibliography should be in a single .bib file and named midl24_NNN.bib with the same convention as above.
  3. Within the midl24_NNN.tex tex file, the document class should be: \documentclass{midl} (without the anon option), and make sure that all authors and co-authors are listed correctly.
  4. You should also set the following variables before the \title command: \jmlryear{2024}\jmlrworkshop{Full Paper -- MIDL 2024}\jmlrvolume{-- nnn}\editors{Accepted for publication at MIDL 2024}
  5. The bibliography should be included in the paper using the following command: \bibliography{midl24_NNN}
  6. Please do NOT use the \begin{thebibliography} environment.
  7. For the camera ready, the page limit is from 8 pages. Acknowledgements, references and appendix do not count toward that limit, and can appear on pages 9+.
  8. Please be sure to check the author/institution list on the title page is de-anonymized, as well as any previously anonymized citations, github repos, data sources, acknowledgements, and other places.
  9. If you used formatting changes (different colored font, etc.) during the rebuttal phase, please remove these formatting changes in the final version of your paper.
  10. Please include the appendix and supplementary material in the camera-ready version.
  11. Include all the necessary figures and files in the zip folder.

PMLR copyright form

MIDL papers are published in the PMLR proceedings. As such, it is required to fill out and sign the PMLR Publication Agreement ( Upload the signed form in PDF format to the Copyright Form field.

Camera ready PDF for OpenReview

Submit the final paper in PDF format in OpenReview at the PDF field.

Camera Ready Instructions for Short Papers

Once your final material is prepared according to the detailed instructions below, please update your submission on OpenReview by June 1st. You can do that by editing your submission using the Camera Ready option. The following fields are available for update:

PDFCamera Ready PDF

Detailed Instructions

You only need to upload one file to OpenReview, the PDF of the camera-ready version of the paper. Note that unlike the full paper track, the LaTeX code and the copyright form are not needed.

Preparing the camera-ready submission

Prepare your camera ready submission using the latest version of the LaTeX MIDL template (midl-shortpaper):

Please make sure your are not:

  • overriding the options of the hyperref package (loaded automatically)
  • using the times package (if that was the case, please contact the program chairs as soon as possible)
  • overriding the bibliographystyle (defined in midl.cls).

Additional considerations:

  1. Within your tex file, the document class should be: \documentclass{midl} (without the anon option), and make sure that all authors and co-authors are listed correctly.
  2. For the camera-ready version, the page limit is strictly 3 pages. Acknowledgements should fit within the 3 pages, references do not count toward that limit and can appear on pages 4+.
  3. Please be sure to check the author/institution list on the title page is de-anonymized, as well as any previously anonymized citations, github repos, data sources, acknowledgements, and other places.
  4. You can also update the following variables before the \title command: \jmlryear{2024}\jmlrworkshop{Short Paper -- MIDL 2024}\jmlrvolume{-- nnn}\editors{Accepted for publication at MIDL 2024}. Unlike the full papers, the short papers are not assembled into a single volume, so these instructions can be ignored for short papers.
  5. Please incorporate feedback from the reviewers to the extent possible in your final submission.
  6. When you are ready, submit the final paper in PDF format in OpenReview using the Revision button and the PDF field by June 1st.